educated guesses

美 [ˈedʒukeɪtɪd ˈɡesɪz]英 [ˈedʒukeɪtɪd ˈɡesɪz]
  • n.有根据的猜测
  • educated guess的复数
educated guesseseducated guesses

educated guesses


  • 1
    N-COUNT 有根据的猜测
    An educated guess is a guess which is based on a certain amount of knowledge and is therefore likely to be correct.

    Estimating the right cooking time will always be an educated guess.


  1. Estimates of millionaires are educated guesses , all using different definitions and standards .


  2. Here are some educated guesses .


  3. Which leaves health care workers to make educated guesses about treatment .


  4. This is based on " educated guesses " about where current trends may lead us .


  5. They are barely sufficient to make educated guesses on vaccination policies .


  6. For example , the cost , effort , and duration of a project are at best educated guesses .


  7. Yet they have not shown that their corporate visions are much more than educated guesses .


  8. They can make some educated guesses .


  9. Nonetheless , we can make educated guesses .


  10. The ability to form opinions , make educated guesses , and have a heavy bias for action , is really , really important .


  11. It does this by making educated guesses about the way a virus normally inserts itself into a program and shifts data around .


  12. As it was , it 's just educated guesses ...


  13. It is in no way tied to CA , it is merely the technical staff of this forum giving educated guesses based on known performance index 's , and previous games .


  14. This is the best you can do in a highly adaptive environment : make educated guesses , then immediately start applying real data to measure ( and feed back ) how you 've done .


  15. These numbers have been collated by Robin Hanson , an economist at George Mason University in Virginia ; they are based on educated guesses by various economic historians .


  16. Educated guesses maybe ? If so , the estimate of the IMF about the GDP for Zaire were only 60 per cent of those of its sister institution , the World Bank .


  17. It is not impossible to find educated guesses about the GDP of Cambridge , or the inflation rate in Mumbai , and there is nothing conceptually troubling about trying to calculate either .


  18. And of course , the hedonist will also hasten to point out that just because we can 't do this perfectly or infallibly , that doesn 't mean we can 't make educated guesses , right ?
